So glad I lived in an age where I could revisit my playlists decades later.

One year ago today, in simpler times, I was in Heidelberg. What I would give to visit again…

I’ve been missing plane travel, and we are in stage four lockdown, so a wonderful birthday surprise this morning :-).

Love my new sensible old man walking shoes. These will help me #stayontarget for a wellness win in 2020.

Fun times these holidays re-organising my garage. Added some colourful tiles for my work area.

Remembering that time I spent AUD$1,229.30* for 1.3GB of hard disk storage. (* AUD$2292 in adjusted dollars today)

Well, this made my day! Merry Xmas to you too, @bobpetesarah! #saintetienne

Yuletide log, Australian style. #itsbeginningtolookalotlikejunkmail